By Super User on Thursday, 05 January 2017
Category: Blog

Have you taken your pet in for an exam?

One of the best ways to take care of your pet’s health and wellness is with pet exams in Charlotte.

Here at Hickory Grove Animal Hospital we serve Charlotte pet owners with regular pet exams. This form of preventive care will help you to identify health problems with your pets before they get out of control.

When Should I Take My Pet to Get Pet Exams in Charlotte?

In terms of a schedule for pet exams in Charlotte we recommend bringing your pet to Hickory Grove Animal Hospital every six months. This gives us the opportunity to keep track of their health and wellness on a routine basis. By choosing to stick with your vets at HGAH we are able to develop a trusting relationship with your pet. Furthermore we can better detect any health changes during their six month exams.

What is Included in a Pet Exam at My Charlotte Veterinarian?

As your Charlotte veterinarian we provide comprehensive pet exam services. Your pet will be charted for its weight, energy levels, and nutritional intake. We will also do an examination of the animal’s fur and skin condition. We also provide dental exams during our full service pet exams.

Can I Get a Pet Wellness Panel for My Pet?

We do offer pet wellness panels including a detailed blood analysis. This covers CBC, electrolyte, and chemistry testing. If you would like to include this type of testing during your pet exams in Charlotte please let our staff know prior to your exam appointment. This way we can set this up with our third party commercial lab service providers.

Visit Your Veterinarian in Charlotte

Hickory Grove Animal Hospital is your veterinarian in Charlotte for comprehensive pet exams. Right now we are offering a 20 percent discount on certain pet dental services. If your pet is determined to need additional dental care during their Charlotte veterinary exam it's a perfect time to get this taken care of. Give us a call 704-563-5858 to schedule an appointment for a pet exam.